create YOUR 

human Design CHART.

New to Human Design? Welcome to the science of differentiation. Input your birth data below to start learning about your individual strengths, decision-making strategy, and career type. Your chart is the roadmap to living in alignment with your true self… in business, career, and life. 

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What is Human Design?

Human Design is a tool for self-awareness, growth, and high-performance in career.

When you apply the principles outlined in your chart, you feel empowered to make decisions that align with your true self… leading to enhanced clarity, purpose, and productivity in every area of your work.

  • You if you want to grow your career without stress and burnout

  • Entrepreneurs who want personal brands that reflect their unique strengths, talents, and individuality

  • Anyone who is experiencing frustration, bitterness, or resistance with their current business model

  • Leaders who want to improve team dynamics for more synergy across the team, leading to more productive outcomes

  • Coaches who want to become more effective in helping their clients experience transformation, based on the client’s unique needs

  • Anyone who is in navigating a career transition

human design is for:

where to begin?

Human Design is a deep, vast, and complex tool. Our goal at Expanded Flow is to reduce the overwhelm that is commonly associated with this system when you first discover it.

Maybe you’ve looked up your chart already and thought to yourself, “OK this is cool, but I’m not quite sure what I’m looking at.”

To help you ease your way into the system, we suggest you start with learning about your Big 3.

your HD big 3

  • Your public role refers to the core personality traits you were born with that help you actualize your life purpose. There are 12 public roles in Human Design. You will have one public role defined by your chart.

  • Your inner authority refers to how you are uniquely wired to make decisions that align with your true self. Your chart will tell you which of the 7 inner authorities is your primary decision-maker.

  • Your career type comes from your energy type in Human Design. There are 5 career types. Learn yours so you can understand what type of business and offers work best for your design.

Discover your Big 3.

We created an intro guide which you can download (for free) below.